Successful debut at SCF 2019
The Shopping Center Forum 2019 CEE – the largest and most important trade fair in Poland – has come to an end. This year’s edition was record-breaking, as the event was attended by over 1,800 participants representing 500 retail chains. Over 60 exhibitors and partners presented 300 projects. For the first time, EDS Retail Park and Higasa Properties were among them.
The two-days trade fair for both companies was an opportunity to present their comprehensive offer covering both developer’s activities, commercialisation processes and management of commercial facilities. The Higasa Club – a modern model of investing in commercial real estate – was also an extremely important offer. “We are pleased with the huge interest in our stand and our offer of retail parks. During the two days, we managed to establish many new, extremely promising contacts, agree new conditions with our existing contractors and at the same time gain a better understanding of our industry’s situation. Our team has had dozens of meetings that fill us with great optimism, because we have been very well received by the industry. We have months of hard work ahead of us and, most importantly, soon the opening of our first joint investment, EDS Park Opatów,” concludes Magdalena Maciejak, President of the Board of Higasa Properties.
The Shopping Center Forum was held on September 25-26 in Warsaw.